Ginger Krebs: choreographer and visual artist

Protected By Invisible Fence is a new performance by director and choreographer Ginger Krebs, responsive technology designer Ryan Holsopple, and collaborating dancers Christina Chammas, Ping Du, Lauren Kunath, Stephanie Stoumbelis, Bocheng Zhang and Yuxuan Zhong.

So far, the project asks, with humor,
• how our behavior is orchestrated by unseen, technological forces
• how we internalize the drive to optimize (our health, our productivity…) and
• how, in the midst of the compulsion to craft our brand identities on social media, we might nurture our interior lives.

There will be quick, precise footwork patterns from sports (agility ladders) that move bodies across the room like cartoon characters on a conveyor belt, gestures that transform from administering care (diagnostic procedures like palpation, “yoga for your eyes”) to self-correction (forcing oneself to sit up straight and pay attention), and bureaucracy manifested as a waltz.

Saturday, June 15th, 3:00-4:00pm
Chicago Athletic Association
12 North Michigan Avenue, 4th floor